For our second trip out we chose Alder Lake, once again becase there was easy parking at the rec center on its south shore.
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Directly off the parking lot, there is a little pier, and a small access ramp for launching canoes, but we decided to walk west along the south bank and look for somewhere that might be less fished than the pier. This did not workout well, there is almost no access to the shore around the rec center, and what little access we found there was a good ten feet of lilies and other think vegetation in the water from the banks, and if you walk too far you end up in peoples back yards, so we turned around and decided to throw some lines from the pier and slipway.
Once again i was working the bobber and Steven was using the same small top water.
We both saw plenty of activity at first, but nothing seemed to want to take my fake worms, and the first couple of hits on the top water either didn't get hooked or, managed to escape pretty quickly.
Our luck soon changed, and i hauled in a couple of... can you guess what... yup you got it, sunfish. They were a little larger than those in Windmill pond, and had a nice red belly. Steven got a nice hit and pulled in a small bass.
At this point I was convinced to get rid of the bobber and switched to a top water. Mine was slightly bigger than Stevens frog, and was meant to look like a fish. We continued fishing, and we both pulled in a bass, mine was small, but Stevens won the "who got the smallest bass" prize.
We then both hit some aggressive sunfish, mine managing to hook itself with all three barbs of one of the lures hooks, poor little guy.
We were getting lots of action, but few successful catches, I am thinking our skills need some honing, the light was fading fast, and the mosquitoes were starting to find un interesting even through the thick layer of bug spray, so we were just thinking of wrapping up up, when Steven got a hit out in the deeper water. The rod was bent to an extreme, and we could tell this was something different.
The fish fought, and splashed all the way in, as it got closer and could see the size, I wondered if he had somehow caught a Carp, but no... it was the largest bass I think I have ever seen in person. This thing was huge! We are guessing 8 or 9 pounds, you had to use two hands to lip this guy.
The lure was pretty far down there in its mouth and both sets of hooks had dug in, this fish was so big I had my entire hand down its throat trying to get the hook out. It took us a little longer than we would have liked to free this monster, but he did swim away under his own steam when we eventually got him back in the water.
If we weren't convinced there were good fish out there in local ponds to catch before we saw this monster, we certainly are now.
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